Xinachtli Youth Program

Xinachtli Youth Program

The Xinachtli project is an educational program providing youth programming in the topics of Indigenous Languages, Art, Math, Music, Science, Food and Community Gardens. Our objective is to provide youth multicultural educational experiences, a safe place where they can grow and express themselves, as well as opportunities to learn skills as they participate in our youth leadership development. We follow an intergenerational model that uplifts youth voices, ideas, and creativity.

If you would like to learn more about our classes and programming or would like to request a workshop please contact

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Check out our community gardening projects:

Nahuacalli Educators Alliance

Nahuacalli Educators Alliance

Nahuacalli Educators Alliance is a professional association of indigenous educators working with TONATIERRA to deliver a suite of educational services and community cultural regeneration programming built around indigenous language revitalization strategies. In 2015, the Nahuacalli became an affiliate of the Continental Network of Indigenous Intercultural and Community Universities of Abya Yala (RUIICAY).


Machan Elementary
West Phoenix HS
North HS
Summit HS
Linda Abril
Cal State Stanislaus
Desiderata High School
UC Berkley
ASU Mecha
Alhambra HS
Central HS
Maryvale HS
ASU Preparatory Academy
Herrera Middle School
